When Is It Time for Hospice Care?
Knowing When Hospice Care is Right for Your Loved One
Many families delay the discussion of end-of-life care because no one wants to think about losing someone they love.
However, if you are asking yourself if it’s time, there is a good chance that you should start considering hospice care services.
Knowing the signs and understanding the diagnosis means it’s time to start considering the different levels of hospice care that may be available to your loved one. Even if it’s not quite time yet, calling before it becomes critical, so you can explore your options, is never a bad thing.

Major Symptoms
- Ongoing or sudden weight loss
- Needing more assistance with most activities of daily living
- Uncontrolled or unmanageable pain
- Past treatments are no longer effective
- Frequent hospitalizations
- Frequent infections
- Frequent falls
- Cancer
- End-stage lung disease
- End-stage heart disease
- Alzheimer’s
- End-stage dementia
- End-stage kidney or liver failure
- Other end-stage illnesses resulting in a limited life expectancy. Ask your doctor or the hospice team if you think your loved one may qualify.
Who Is Eligible
- Adults of all ages
- Patients with a prognosis of six months or less if the disease runs its normal course
- Patients/families electing palliative care
- Patients not responding to curative measures
Levels of Care
- Routine home care at home
- Routine home care in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or personal care homes
- Respite care
- Crisis care
- Inpatient care
Not sure which hospice and palliative care services best fits your loved one's needs?
Contact Capstone Hospice and we can help you find the best end-of-life palliative care services for your particular situation.
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